Trail of Eichendorff
Joseph von Eichendorff, the great German poet of the age of Romanticism, spent the last years of his life in Nysa and was buried here. The trail leads along the path, which, according to the...
24/7 ACCESS for registered customers. Own PARKING, bicycle racks. AREA: 1000 m2. AIR CONDITIONING. TRAINING ZONES: free weights, stack machines, functional and cardio. CROSS ROOM fully equipped. SLKEP with supplements and a buffet with drinks, coffee, cocktails. SAUNA, ROLL MASSAGE, MASSAGE, medical VIBRA. OUTDOOR GYM, TRAINING EQUIPMENT 150 machines, a really large variety. PRICE LIST, a very large variety, GROUP CLASSES, PERSONAL TRAINING, BADMINTON
Joseph von Eichendorff, the great German poet of the age of Romanticism, spent the last years of his life in Nysa and was buried here. The trail leads along the path, which, according to the...