

Using the above-mentioned contacts, you can obtain the necessary information on matters relating to the collection of receivables due to fines imposed by a criminal mandate.

Information on the reasons and circumstances of the imposition of the fine can only be obtained from the unit that issued the fine.

The Head of the First Tax Office in Opole is not the authority competent to assess the legitimacy of the penalty imposed as well as to make decisions on revoking the mandate

Recommended trips

8:00 h 16.8 km

Trail of Blessed Maria Luisa Merkert

Blessed Maria Luisa Merkert was the foundress of the order serving the sick and the poor. The trail refers to the places where she lived and, together with the nuns, helped the sick and those in...

3:00 h 2.6 km

Trail of Eichendorff

Joseph von Eichendorff, the great German poet of the age of Romanticism, spent the last years of his life in Nysa and was buried here. The trail leads along the path, which, according to the...