
Second-hand goods fair Flea market

Saturday, October 18, 2025, 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Miejsce wydarzenia

Hala Nysa

48-300 Nysa
Sudecka 23

Nysa , Sudecka 23
tel.: + 48 77 40 80 578
Flea Market at the parking lot under Hala Nysą. The event will take place in the evening from 8:00 to 12:00. The Flea Market is a real treasure trove of unique and often historic items. You can find things there that have their own history and soul, through books, hanging and souvenirs from the old summer. The Flea Market offers a choice. Each stand can surprise you with something new and unexpected. It is also a place where you can meet people with a passion for collecting.