
Lucia Restaurant

Nysa , ul. Sudecka 11
tel.: 77 433 00 63
The Lucia Restaurant is located at ul. Sudecka 11. In the cosy, stylish and beautifully arranged interior, there are several rooms, where we may enjoy tasty food in peace and quiet. The restaurant also has two gardens, one from the side of ul. Sudecka, the other in the rear of the premises. In the menu, we will find a wide range of pizzas, meat dishes, salads, fish, soups and desserts

Recommended trips

8:00 h 16.8 km

Trail of Blessed Maria Luisa Merkert

Blessed Maria Luisa Merkert was the foundress of the order serving the sick and the poor. The trail refers to the places where she lived and, together with the nuns, helped the sick and those in...