Wanda Pawlik - She was born on November 18, 1926 in Długosiodło near Ostrołęka. After graduating from the Secondary School for Adults in Wieliczka in 1948, she began studies at the Jagiellonian University. In 1952, she defended her MA in Polish Studies and started teaching at the Agricultural School Complex in Nysa. She was associated with this institution until the end of her life. Almost from the beginning of her stay in Nysa, Wanda Pawlik joined various social and cultural initiatives aimed at lifting the city from its cultural collapse as quickly as possible and accelerating the process of integration of people who came here from different parts of the country. These initiatives were aimed at helping people find their city in Nysa. The writer found herself in the center of cultural life and, with a group of enthusiasts, she organized the Society of Nysa Lovers, in which she ran a historical section. Despite the workload, she found time to implement her youthful plans - literary work. Her first writing attempts were already behind her. Her great literary talent is evidenced by the preserved fragments of the "Diary" from the war years. In 1969, her first novel "They met on the Neisse" was published, set in the post-war reality of the Opole countryside. In the seventies she was admitted to the Polish Writers' Union. After her death, two more novels were published: "The Triptych of Nysa" and "The Decision". She died in 1983. Wanda Pawlik was awarded the Silver and Gold Cross of Merit, regional badges "Zasłużony dla Ziemi Nyskiej" and "Zasłużony Opolszczyzna" and the Minister's Award. Education and Upbringing of the 1st degree.
The path is located in Siestrzechowice situated a few kilometres away from Nysa and is marked out along the embankment of Lake Nyskie. It is located in the Natura 2000 protected site. Along the...