

Recommended places

Memorial of the Polish Patriots

The memorial was erected in 2001, in memory of the citizens fighting for the freedom of Poland.

Krzyże pokutne w Jędrzychowie

Penance crosses were placed by the murderer as a result of the so-called conciliation agreement with the family of the deceased. This custom came to our lands from the west in the Middle Ages and was...

PANS. Bernhard Grzimek Rector’s Office, Building R

The building marked with letter R was put into use in 2008. Here, the School Authorities and administration are seated. The Rector’s Office is named after the prominent zoologist Bernhard Grzimek,...

Bar Big Fish

Fish and chips is a classic British dish. It is usually served like a typical street food dish - pieces of fried fish and fries packed in a newspaper cone are eaten on the go, crossing the busy...

Recommended trips

1:30 h 889 m

Nature and Educational Path – Siestrzechowice

The path is located in Siestrzechowice situated a few kilometres away from Nysa and is marked out along the embankment of Lake Nyskie. It is located in the Natura 2000 protected site. Along the...