Nyska Droga św. Jakuba
The Art Centre is seated in a historic building of the so-called “Commandant’s House”, specially adapted to serve future artists. Here, the studios of, inter alia , painting, sculpture, graphics,...
Pascal Post-Secondary Schools are free schools for adults. The most popular at school are such fields as: technician of physical protection of persons and property, surveyor technician,...
The Benefit Team - performs social welfare tasks belonging to the commune's own tasks and tasks commissioned in the field of government administration specified in the Act of 12 March 2004 on social...
The school was established in 1999. The team consists of a three-section kindergarten and a primary school. The intimate atmosphere is guaranteed by a limited number of students. The...
The ornithological path runs along the bank of Nysa Kłodzka and is particularly worth walking due to its natural values and the immediate proximity of the monuments of Nysa. Along the one...