

Joseph von Eichendorff

Joseph von Eichendorff - this outstanding poet of the Romantic era was born on March 10, 1788 in Łubowice near Racibórz. He graduated from the gymnasium of St. Maciej in Wrocław, together with his brother he studied, among others in Halle and Heidelberg. He took part in the war...

Stanisław Kramarczyk

Stanisław Kramarczyk - this esteemed architect comes to Nysa in May 1945. His main task was to collect and secure the scattered collections of the Museum of Art and Antiquities, which burned down in March 1945. The new museum facility started its work in the building at ul. Marcinkowski two...

Maria Luiza Merkert

Maria Luiza Merkert - was born in 1817. The family fell into financial trouble after the death of their father. When her mother died, Maria and her sister sold their modest fortune and, together with Franciszka Werner and Klara Wolff, devoted themselves to helping the abandoned, sick and homeless...

Recommended places

Museum in Nysa

The Museum was established in 1897 and its seat is in the Baroque Bishops’ Palace. It has, inter alia , a rich collection of European painting from the 15 th -19 th century, as well as a...

PANS. Blessed Maria Merkert Collegium Civitas, Building H

The building H houses, inter alia , the Offices of Promotion and of spokesman. The building is named after Blessed Maria Luisa Merkert – German nun living in Nysa – foundress of the...

Natura 2000 area "Forty Nyskie"

The area of ​​55.4 ha, established in 2007. It covers part of the fortifications from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries built by Prussia since the times of King Frederick II, including Fort...

Recommended trips

8:00 h 16.8 km

Trail of Blessed Maria Luisa Merkert

Blessed Maria Luisa Merkert was the foundress of the order serving the sick and the poor. The trail refers to the places where she lived and, together with the nuns, helped the sick and those in...