

Mr. Buła

Street food style restaurant. Cuban sandwiches, Burgers, Italian pizza, Belgian fries :)

Belfer C. H. Dekada

Homemade food. We invite you to the new location in C.H. Decade

Mask creperie

Sweet and dry pancakes are served in the Maska Naleśnikarnia. You can choose from about 30 pancakes and pancakes (American pancakes). The offer also includes coffee, tea, a full range of beverages...

Romano Pizzeria

In the Romano Pizzeria’s menu, we will a very wide range of pizzas, as well as pancakes, moreover, lunches, hamburgers, kebabs etc. It is located in front of Collegium Medicum and undoubtedly is...

Tiffany Restaurant

Tiffany is located right under the Wrocławska Gate. The restaurant may accommodate up to 100 people. In the menu, we will find traditional Polish dishes. In the restaurant, it is possible to...

Recommended places

District Sanitary Epidemiological Station in Nysa

It covers, inter alia , the nearby towns such as Głuchołazy, Otmuchów, Paczków oraz Korfantów. PSSE is divided into separate Departments, inter alia , the Epidemiological Department, whose task...

PWSZ. AZS Sports Hall, Building X

This is the place where numerous sporting events are held. The AZS PWSZ School Club was formed in 2002. Its sections include, inter alia , basketball, football, martial arts, water sports and many...

Kawałek Nieba

Kawałek Nieba cafe is located near the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows. In this charming place with a view of a neo-gothic temple, coffee is served in various versions, based on beans from a Polish...

Recommended trips

0:00 h 80 m

Multimedia Tourist Route Nysa Fortress

Multimedia Tourist Route Nysa Fortress in the Bastion of St. Jadwiga - this is a light - sound show in which an old prisoner (his spirit) tells about the history of the Nysa Fortress. The Multimedial...