Rozbudowa drogi w Przełęku
In the Romano Pizzeria’s menu, we will a very wide range of pizzas, as well as pancakes, moreover, lunches, hamburgers, kebabs etc. It is located in front of Collegium Medicum and undoubtedly is...
Robert Kollibay is one of the most outstanding ornithologists in Silesia. A resident of Nysa at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. He founded the Silesian Ornithological Society in 1904, of which he became president a year later and held this position until his death in 1919. He strongly...
The guesthouse has 15 beds, in the comfortable rooms, a dining room, kitchen, playground for children, grill gazebo, parking lot and Wi-Fi. The Riwiera guesthouse is just afew minutes walk from...
Gian Lorenzo Restaurant - the flavors of Silesian Rome. Polish-Italian restaurant at the European Hotel in Nysa.
The restaurant "Kasia" has been a family investment since 1993. From the very beginning, we provide services in the field of weddings, communion, catering, company meetings and other special...
The Smak Armenia restaurant is a place filled with Caucasian atmosphere. Exceptionally tasty Armenian and Georgian cuisine dominates. You can order dishes such as Georgian panniers or cabbage...
It is a branch of the St. Jacob parish in Nysa. It is located in the Złotogłowice grove. Legend has it that on one of the trees in the forest, the inhabitants of the surrounding villages found a...
The District Police Station is seated at ul. Armii Krajowej 11. The building of the prevention department is located at ul. Armii Krajowej 28.
It was built in the years 1784-1788, along with the St. Dominic Church. The initiator of the construction was Bishop of Wrocław, Philipp Gotthard von Schaffgotsch. The Dominicans managed the...