

Opole Agricultural Advisory Centre in Łosiów, Local Advisory Unit in Nysa

The Local Advisory Unit in Nysa serves nine communes of the Nyski District, namely: Nysa, Głuchołazy, Korfantów, Paczków, Otmuchów, Łambinowice, Pakosławice, Skoroszyce and Kamiennik.

Registry Office

The Registry Office is located at ul. Kolejowa, in the Town Hall’s building. At the Office we may, inter alia , arrange matters related to marriage or the birth of a child.

District Sanitary Epidemiological Station in Nysa

It covers, inter alia , the nearby towns such as Głuchołazy, Otmuchów, Paczków oraz Korfantów. PSSE is divided into separate Departments, inter alia , the Epidemiological Department, whose task...

District Starosty

The building is the seat of the district authorities of Nysa. The starosty is in charge of the following communes: Nysa, Głuchołazy, Korfantów, Kamiennik, Łambinowice, Skoroszyce, Paczków, Otmuchów...

Recommended places

Social Welfare Center in Nysa

The Benefit Team - performs social welfare tasks belonging to the commune's own tasks and tasks commissioned in the field of government administration specified in the Act of 12 March 2004 on social...

District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Nysa

The District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Nysa is seated at ul. Bohaterów Warszawy 32

Eichendorff’s Tomb

The poet’s burial place is located in the Jerusalem Cemetery.

Recommended trips

8:00 h 16.8 km

Trail of Blessed Maria Luisa Merkert

Blessed Maria Luisa Merkert was the foundress of the order serving the sick and the poor. The trail refers to the places where she lived and, together with the nuns, helped the sick and those in...