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Izba pamiątkowa Bastion św. Jadwigi

St. Jadwiga was one of the 10 Old Dutch bastions, modern elements of fortifications, which began to be built in 1643. The currently preserved two-story stone and brick casemates were rebuilt in...

Indoor swimming pool

The indoor swimming pool has a swimming pool with the dimensions 25 m x 12.5 m and with the depth of 1.35 m to 1.95 m. There are six separate tracks there. In addition, there is also a recreational...

Recommended places

PANS. Max Hermann-Neisse Collegium Philologicum, Building E, F

The building E and F houses the Dean’s Office No 2, Institute of Modern Languages, Institute of Internal Security, as well as the Study of Foreign Languages. Collegium Philologicum is named after...

Bishop’s Palace

The first stage of the construction of the palace took place in 1620, on the initiative of the Archduke Bishop Charles of Austria. His death and the thirty years’ war have stopped the...

Eichendorff’s Tomb

The poet’s burial place is located in the Jerusalem Cemetery.