

Penance cross in Radzikowice

Penance crosses were placed by the murderer as a result of the so-called conciliation agreement with the family of the deceased. This custom came to our lands from the west in the Middle Ages and was...

Penance cross in Domaszkowice

Penance crosses were placed by the murderer as a result of the so-called conciliation agreement with the family of the deceased. This custom came to our lands from the west in the Middle Ages and was...

Penance cross in Biała Nyska

Penance crosses were placed by the murderer as a result of the so-called conciliation agreement with the family of the deceased. This custom came to our lands from the west in the Middle Ages and was...

Krzyże pokutne w Jędrzychowie

Penance crosses were placed by the murderer as a result of the so-called conciliation agreement with the family of the deceased. This custom came to our lands from the west in the Middle Ages and was...

Penance cross in Wierzbięcice

Penance crosses were placed by the murderer as a result of the so-called conciliation agreement with the family of the deceased. This custom came to our lands from the west in the Middle Ages and was...

Penance cross in Kępnica

Penance crosses were placed by the murderer as a result of the so-called conciliation agreement with the family of the deceased. This custom came to our lands from the west in the Middle Ages and was...

Post-Jesuit complex

The post-Jesuit complex - a medieval market square called the Salt Market, which was given a baroque development thanks to the foundations of Wrocław bishops. Charles I of Habsburg is responsible for...

Nysa Stronghold

Nysa Stronghold from the very beginning, the city had wooden fortifications surrounded by a moat. In the mid-fourteenth century, Nysa received huge medieval walls with four gates and 28 towers. The...

Town hall

Town Hall - the first town hall was built in the 14th century. It was expanded a century later. Throughout its history, it was often destroyed, e.g. in 1590 due to an earthquake. After...

Recommended places

Mask creperie

Sweet and dry pancakes are served in the Maska Naleśnikarnia. You can choose from about 30 pancakes and pancakes (American pancakes). The offer also includes coffee, tea, a full range of beverages...

Post-Jesuit complex

The post-Jesuit complex - a medieval market square called the Salt Market, which was given a baroque development thanks to the foundations of Wrocław bishops. Charles I of Habsburg is responsible for...

Lake Nyskie

Nysa Lake is a retention reservoir established in 1971 on the Nysa Kłodzka River. For it to be built, it was necessary to demolish and flood the villages of Brzezina Polska, Miedniki, Różanka...

Recommended trips

0:00 h 2.1 km

Learn the history

Each object on the "Learn the history" route is marked with a special plate with a QR code indicating the use of this technology. In addition, we have a camera in each of the smartphones. ...